Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Holidays in City Ceter

Downtown Trondheim really dresses up for hte holiday season. The holidays here last from Christmas Eve to the second week on January. New Years was a fantastically huge occasion. Mike wrote about it, so check out his pictures of popcorn around the city.

There are two features of the holiday season that stand out to me as beautiful pieces of Norwegian culture during this time of year. First, there are candles everywhere. This image of the big statue of St Olaf is right at the center of town. Candles cover the downtown walkways. They welcome one into every store and every home. Its charming and cozy.

The other thing is the Norwegians desire to make everywhere a haven for outdoor activities. Take this picture of the mall right down town. The Commune set up temporary bumper boundaries and created an ice skating rink right in the middle of town. Anyone can skate, any time. Many schools around do the same thing - filling up an indent in the ground with water and creating their own skating rink. It's really cool.

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